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Showing posts with label life skills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life skills. Show all posts

Uncovering Ways to Treat Yourself and Reasons to Do it...more than just cheat days and guilt-free binging!

pamper yourself for happier life tips
There has always been a certain segment of psychologically-rich lifestyle bloggers who talk a lot about treating yourself. I totally agree with this approach as a life-management skill. It is easy, too practical not to do and makes you feel better. Plus, you are not depending on anyone else. This self-pampering is rewarding yourself for something you stuck to, managed to be stoic when flowing with the moment was easy, could say NO when everyone expected you to nod your head...there are so many battles we fight each day and if we can make some rules and stick to them, the effort should be appreciated - by who?...YOU!

Often losing to sugar cravings? DIY Preparation & 4 Strategies that Actually Help

There is little defense you can muster when sweet tooth cravings hit you hard - this is a universal truth and you are no different. However, you need some manage-it strategy because unsympathetic sugar consumption is the reason to many type of lifestyle conditions, both acute and chronic. This discussion takes a step in this direction, i.e. sharing some tips of redeeming yourself with more self-control to fight away infectiously acute sugar cravings. My personal craving management tools include:

- Position Yourself, Give-in, Only to Fight Back

Keep something sweet handy in the drawer, dashboard or office bag. You never know when the sugar rush can get as important as air or water. You need your supplies. You have to understand that denial at the first stage is not the best move. You have to give-in but then cheat yourself out of it, away from it, towards a better, bigger vantage point.

Just some quick eye-shut time to reconnect with yourself

Image Asking People to Plan Small to Manage Life
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You must have read a lot about the concept of power napping and how the shortest periods of relaxation can cleanse the mind of overwhelming thoughts. I am using the same thing in the most micro fashion – using some eye-shut time to ensure you have a more uncluttered mind. I do this at the desk, in the car and even when taking a bath. Just shut your eyes and banish all thoughts. Try to concentrate on a facial muscle, i.e. on your face. I tend to focus on the nose bridge, clutching the skin around it. This is not about many minutes but a handful of seconds. You can do this repeatedly, like a breath hold & go exercise that is found in many meditation prep programs. For me, concentrating with my eyes closed is almost impossible. I tend to hop to what happens next scenarios a bit too often.

Mental Health Battles, Confessions

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