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Showing posts with label life management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life management. Show all posts

Don’t Plan Life, Just a Week Can Do!

Funny Dog Pic Planning Life, Planning the Day
Plan Shorter. Plan Simpler. Plan the Doable
I have come across lots of blogs about planning your life. However, my success with this strategy is abysmally low. I am not saying that planning your life is a bad choice but to me, it seems like something that consumes too much time and energy and doesn’t serve the purpose. Some people say that they live in the moment. Some choose to structure their entire life in blocks of what they should do and achieve. I believe that the better approach is somewhere in between—planning your life but not more than a week ahead. I had been a chronic life planner all along. Even when I was in school, I was apprehensive about how my practice in Medicine would shape up or by what time I would be able to practice individually.

Just some quick eye-shut time to reconnect with yourself

Image Asking People to Plan Small to Manage Life
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You must have read a lot about the concept of power napping and how the shortest periods of relaxation can cleanse the mind of overwhelming thoughts. I am using the same thing in the most micro fashion – using some eye-shut time to ensure you have a more uncluttered mind. I do this at the desk, in the car and even when taking a bath. Just shut your eyes and banish all thoughts. Try to concentrate on a facial muscle, i.e. on your face. I tend to focus on the nose bridge, clutching the skin around it. This is not about many minutes but a handful of seconds. You can do this repeatedly, like a breath hold & go exercise that is found in many meditation prep programs. For me, concentrating with my eyes closed is almost impossible. I tend to hop to what happens next scenarios a bit too often.

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