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Showing posts with label wearing red. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wearing red. Show all posts

Why is winter dressing about Greys, followed by fanaticism for Black and Deep Blues?

Wearning Red, Black, Blue | Funny Cat
It is very wintery in Delhi and all around me, including my office, people finding their way on the road, and folks behind the steering wheel are dressed-up, creating layers to insulate them against the chill. However, my floating observation took me to a realization – there is an overkill of Grey colored clothing, even the accessories are overcooked in shades of blue and black. From what I can fathom, Winters can be somewhat depressing. Some folks suffer from winter-induced clinical depression too but overall, the season is about Christmas, New Year and plans & resolutions. The monotony of these shades is a big contrast to the feel-good vibes which comes with loving every sip of coffee, that feeling of warmth that coats your throat every time you pounce on dark chocolate. My winter wardrobe is as colorful it can get without getting weird.

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