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Showing posts with label jaggery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jaggery. Show all posts

Going (Pea)Nuts…yet again, Winters does this to me!

Eating Peanuts in Winter - Lifestyle Quotes
It wasn’t a great start to the winter season as me and my wife fell sick. My jaundice too forever to clear-up and as a couple, we are still loading-up on all types of natural, detox aids to ensure that the sickening hangover of being over-medicated is uprooted and dumped for good. However, now that am eating the more regular stuff again, the annual challenge of winter eating is up and running. What is this about? Resisting the temptation of loading-up on peanuts and gudd. The combination is like a dose of morphine to someone suffering from extreme pain. I can devour packets full of peanuts, taking the time to crack and split apart each entity, taking pleasure in what seems like a playful activity that rewards you with a strong nutty flavor.

Sugarcane or Cane Juice – the Natural Detox??

Funny Dog Pice Canine Humor Image
Fasting + Raw Sugarcane Juice can be your Detox Savior
If you have been reading my blog, you must have come across my struggles with Jaundice or Hepatitis A. Turns out that Sugarcane Juice is the best among natural therapies to help the liver get rid of the toxins that tend to accumulate when your liver is affected by this disease. To make it more effective, you need to squeeze one lemon in one big glass of Sugarcane Juice and drink it up to three times a day. Please understand that recovery after Jaundice is about preventing the relapse and for this, you need some form of natural liver support - jaggery juice does this beautifully!

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