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Showing posts with label detox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label detox. Show all posts

Sugarcane or Cane Juice – the Natural Detox??

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Fasting + Raw Sugarcane Juice can be your Detox Savior
If you have been reading my blog, you must have come across my struggles with Jaundice or Hepatitis A. Turns out that Sugarcane Juice is the best among natural therapies to help the liver get rid of the toxins that tend to accumulate when your liver is affected by this disease. To make it more effective, you need to squeeze one lemon in one big glass of Sugarcane Juice and drink it up to three times a day. Please understand that recovery after Jaundice is about preventing the relapse and for this, you need some form of natural liver support - jaggery juice does this beautifully!

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