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Showing posts with label why leaving office early is not always good. Show all posts
Showing posts with label why leaving office early is not always good. Show all posts

Don’t Deny It – Everyone is Guilty of Leave-the-Office Early Pangs

how to manage worklife leaving early
I wasn’t always a manager. I have a long history of working well beyond the stipulated hours. There were phases when work would absolutely consume me, ensuring I never checked the time. However, a decade of work-life seems to have changed something, somewhere. Now, like many other colleagues, and all of my fellow team handlers, I have started suffering from monthly bouts of leaving-the-office early pangs. Please understand that this has very little similarity with hoping the work-day gets easier, less demanding, or gets over quickly. Leaving- office-early symptoms stem from this sudden urge that makes you plot in the most conniving manner to ensure you can leave the workplace prematurely without getting noticed in any way, without affecting your workload for the day.

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