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Showing posts with label rising cholesterol during pandemic work from home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rising cholesterol during pandemic work from home. Show all posts

Fel Tauri Might Help to Halt Damage that 'Revenge Pandemic Snacking' Creates

I guess it had to happen at some point - the work-from-home and life-at-home schedule has taken a toll on the physical health too. And it seems, I am not the only one. My observations have been along the lines of feeling a bit more breathless and some recurring headaches that indicate rising cholesterol levels. I have to confess, I have been snacking a lot more than my careful usual. Though I have tried to limit it, every now and then, things end up in my hands that I wouldn't have been caught snacking when things were more normal. The regular life meant a daily intake of fruits, sometimes a lot of them, and even more regularity with consuming fiber and staying away from the typically tasty but fried stuff. The last few months have seen me slip. Whereas people have been indulging in revenge travel, my mind seems to be heading towards revenge snacking. What is it?

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