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Showing posts with label night habits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label night habits. Show all posts

Sleeping with a Collar? Not my cup of tea!

Lifestyle Humor - Racoon Wearing Collar
Discussing My Strange Reason for Sleeping Difficulties
Needless to say that I have had falling-asleep issues. These have oscillated from being awake at night like an owl to having the most frightening thoughts ruminating in my mind. The result has been what I call superficial sleep. The sleep here used to be slightly disturbed with some depressing thoughts doing rounds in the head. The result was this feeling of something tied to your upper back and forehead – the feeling was not perhaps as acute migraine bouts but it was awful. Now, during this phase of high sleep sensitivity I developed another habit or a handicap – I just couldn’t sleep with any type of nightwear that has anything alike a collar.

Mental Health Battles, Confessions

Opinions About Everything