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Showing posts with label managing ageing God idols. Show all posts
Showing posts with label managing ageing God idols. Show all posts

No Mom, I am not throwing away God!!

god print on things that surround us confuses
This is going to sound strange to many of you and I would like to clarify at the outset that I am not the wrong one here. We get a lot of invitation cards and calendars and other items that have images of Om or Ganesh Ji on them. Undoubtedly, we like the fact that people choose such stuff to signify peace and prosperity. However, after some time, everything loses its utility. You cannot hold on to everything you own. A few days back, I dumped a few of these invites that carried such images. After a few hours, I realized that during my growing-up years this was a serious issue with my mom. She would go hysterical upon realizing that I had mis-accomodated God!

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