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Showing posts with label lifestyle trends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle trends. Show all posts

Easy Fixes: Maybe You Need More Enzymes

Seems like yesterday when I tried Digiplex tablets for the first time - an ageing med that not many people know about and those who do, usually buy it for their grand-dads. Now, after many years of playing around with enzymes, I can confidently say that I can manage them with amazing accuracy!

Digestive Complex Tablets are Easy to Find

Here, I talk about some of the everyday health issues like recurring phases of indigestion. Contaminated environments are producing compromised foods and we don’t have too many options on the horizon. However, we can ensure that we digest better and extract the maximum nutrition from our daily meals. Peek into my experience of dealing with digestion-related issues without going overboard with medications…From the moment food enters our mouth to the phase where it is digested in the intestines, the body uses enzymes for processing food.

Mental Health Battles, Confessions

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