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Showing posts with label diy challenges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diy challenges. Show all posts

Why not take an adventure trip within your home with almost zero gear? [DIY Anxiety Management]

diy challenges diy adventures
What seemed like an empty patch of floor in our reserve bedroom now challenges me - I must do mountain climbers and skull-crushers to ensure my physicality is maintained to some extent. I haven't stepped out, not compared myself with others at the gym or done anything drastic, and still, this challenge is huge as daily motivation levels can vary and I tend to be dicey with time management. What am I talking about? The fact that your home itself can be the canvas for some adventure type activity without Googling the best nearby locations for a weekend break!

You can easily do things that help to challenge your overall fitness with basic supplies at home. There is no camping or hiking gear involved here. This is about getting adventurous with the least important things that are found in nearly every household. Lately, I started doing mountain climbers and as compared to push-ups these are much more full-body involving and can be done in so many ways. But then, there are a million push-up varieties too. So, let us not compare them. If you could combine mountain climbers with push-ups, 30 minutes can seem like an eternity. Plus, all you need to do them is a plain, empty floor and a towel, because you will sweat a lot for sure! These are two core-killers and seriously, even if you happen to be in good shape, 5 sets of each, alternated, can leave you panting, sweating and almost blushing...just like the after-glow. The rushing of blood also kills the anxiety pangs. It keeps you occupied even after wrapping-up the session as the body is trying to cool itself and recuperate from the torture you just unleashed!

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