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Showing posts with label Jaundice symptoms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jaundice symptoms. Show all posts

A Pickled Obsession that Infests Me Right Now: Ginger & Garlic

Funny Cat Image Praying for Pickles
Pickling: Ways to Up Daily Ginger, Garlic Intake

It has been a slow recovery from my bout of jaundice and among the few lifestyle changes and dietary adjustments that I had to make, I took upon another innocently addictive exploration – pickling using vinegar. I have to ramp-up basic detox agents like ginger and garlic apart from herbs that help the liver to leach away the abundance of contaminants in the blood. My wife not being a very garlic-ky person made it clear that having a persistent Sulfur breath was akin to killing our couple time. Now, I had to find a way of consuming more of garlic without the breath and without the torture of consuming it in a raw, highly potent form. 

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