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Showing posts with label India T20 squad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India T20 squad. Show all posts

Yuvraj's Mommy does the talking: does it get more absurd??

All those who have been following cricket in the sub-continent are largely accustomed to every aspect of cricket being magnified and repeatedly put through a post-mortem like exercise. So when the entire story about the Indian team's pub-brawling came to the fore, it was just a matter of time before the entire matter would get pumped-up beyond reasonability. However, what I was not prepared for was Yuvraj Singh's mother sitting comfortably on her couch and trying to explain how his very 'innocent' son should not be made the scape-goat every time the team loses for some other reason. Here I was believing all along that
the concept of having senior players in the team was that they led by example and given the T20 squad that India had, Yuvi was certainly the senior player, wasn't he?  Wait, it gets even more ridiculous when I saw some cricketing "experts" trying to explain what M/O Yuvraj Singh was trying to say!! I mean if there is some sort of stupidity being committed, it is necessary to make the entire matter seem even more ridiculous by having someone to explain it or simplify it?? This is what cricket has been reduced to...just wait until aunty cricket hits us!!

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