This won't be surprising to those who have the slightest bit of observant sensibilities. However, it could be shocking to those who remain lost in their own world, within the confines of their utterly blissful ignorance. In a way, I actually admire the latter kind for they don't realize the absolute mediocrity and retarded mindsets that surround us. By now, you would be wondering what am I blabbering about. I realize the introduction to this discussion is a bit too long but I just wanted to create some sort of a cerebral platform before I dive into what is a shameful fact about riding the Delhi Metro, i.e. the presence of slightly perverted, overtly enthusiastic voyeur lovers who are always on the lookout for an opportunity to glance down a lady's cleavage. Yes, this also suggests that I tend to look around too much but I don't go around eye-balling cleavages unless they are shoved in my face, in an unavoidable and sudden manner.
[Suggested Reading: Why Adhaar Card is Not Worthy of Our Troubles]